antonia cetin life balance blogWhy is it that we all crave learning, exploring and trying something new, but we hesitate to get out there and try it? Why do we feel like we are in a rut but we don’t do anything to get out of it? Because it’s easier to do what we keep doing!

When you are in your comfort zone, everything is familiar. There are no surprises and you are able to cope with what comes your way because you have already coped with the same problems and challenges in the past. You know what you doing and you are confident. If you are comfortable and doing what you’ve always been doing, you are not learning anything new. And, learning something new is what makes life interesting and exciting.

Stepping outside of this comfort zone is scary business. It requires taking risks and trusting that the universe will catch you. If you jump too far outside of your comfort zone, you can get intimidated by everything you don’t know and aren’t capable of doing. You can become paralysed like a deer in the headlights, unable to take action because you just don’t know what to do.

The trick is to step a little outside of your comfort zone into the “zone of proximal development” (Vigotsky). You want to be out there just far enough to push yourself, to challenge yourself but not to overwhelm yourself. This is the zone where learning happens. Risk is minimal and as you gain confidence in taking risk, your zone of proximal development expands gradually like concentric circles until you are ready to take more steps and venture further out of your comfort zone.

Whatever your passion, whatever you think will energize you, give it a try. Give those risk muscles a stretch and try something new to make your life more fun and exciting.

  • Go for a public skate.

  • Take a dance lesson.

  • Explore hot yoga.

  • Make that 5 course meal and invite those new acquaintances you’ve been hoping to get to know better.

  • Go for a hot air balloon ride.

  • Write a poem for your friend’s birthday card.

  • Take the public transport to a new destination in your city just because you can.

  • Call up that crush and ask for a date.

  • Plan a trip to an adventure destination.

  • Talk to someone who intimidates you.

Try it. You might like it.