What teacher says |
What teacher means |
Jodi is very social. |
She needs to be quiet sometimes so we can do our work. |
Nathan is very confident. |
He needs to give somebody else a chance to talk. |
Anna always puts up her hand before she answers. |
Thank God this kid is in my class! |
Josh always gets to work right away. |
I love this kid! |
It would be helpful for Pat to do some reading at home. |
He’s not making much progress and in a class of 28, I don’t have time to read with him every day. |
Tina needs several reminders to get started on her work. |
I wish she would just start the first time she was asked so I could get to helping the kids who need more support instead of waiting for her to start. |
Barry is energetic and active. |
I can’t keep up with him. |
Andrea finds unexpected ways to interact with peers. |
She is sneaky and tries to pin the blame for her shenanigans on others. |
Cody loves to share his ideas enthusiastically with the large group. |
If only he’d remember to put up his hand. |
Fiona has many questions on a wide variety of topics. |
She derails the lessons and distracts her peers. |
Shaun shares with friends and helps them when they need it. |
He is observant and helpful. Do you have more like him? |
‘nuff said |
‘nuff said |